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Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

indication of loose hair bald

In addition to hair, hair fall is in fear Him on the human head. Perception on beautiful and wonderful human being, in general, still require that the beauty of the "crown" of hair on the head. No matter male or female. But often without a clear reason, loose hair on the head strand for strand, and become uncontrollable. Remaining scalp is a "bald".
the fall of hair (alopecia) can not be considered trivial. Although not dangerous to health in general or does not threaten life, but alopecia can affect self-confidence someone. Alopecia is not limited to parents, but can befall children of all ages. The process of hair fall out usually come in sudden, random and sometimes repetitive.
There are three types of alopecia that is Alopecia Areata (AA), ie the hair fall out in some particular place in a small amount. Alopecia Totalis (AT) is a type of hair kerontokan large amount of skin on the head, and tend to be bald Alopecia Universalis (AU) to the condition of hair loss is not only in the head but also in the entire body surface. Androgenetic Alopecia also known as male pattern bald-on.
Suspected, autoimun diseases including alopecia. Occurred because the body's immune system mistakenly recognizes the "enemy" and thus the growth of cell reproduction folikel hair. This causes new cessation of hair production and cause hair kerontokan. Ethnicity, social status, gender, and age is not associated with risk of alopecia. More than 20% of alopecia with the family have a history of misuse, especially in those who have a history eczema, asthma, and disease tiroid. Some studies show the relationship between alopecia with stress. Treatment for alopecia is kortikosteroid that can be provided with three ways. First, the local injection area on the kebotakan, either the scalp, eyebrow, chin and hair to stimulate growth. Usually take 4 weeks to see the growth of hair. Side effects that may arise is momentarily painful, swollen, and pigment changes. Second, given kortikosteroid oral therapy for the short term because the side effects include hypertension and cataracts. While the cream kortikosteroid be smeared on the bald area. Shown good results when combined with minoxidil or anthralin.
Minoxidil (5%) is a liquid oles that stimulate hair growth on the condition in which the number of folikel hair and a little less than optimal hair growth. Liquids are used twice a day and the results seen after the 12 sunday. Meanwhile, anthralin, coal tar is a Sintesa replace the function of the immune menginfeksi skin. Duration of use of about 20 to 60 minutes to avoid skin irritation. New hair will grow in the 8 to 12 sunday.
Topical sensitizers, can also be used on the scalp to stimulate hair growth. The result can be seen after 3 to 12 months of use. But this type of medication can cause allergic reactions such as itching and skin berkerak in the head. Two types of Topical sensitizer, such as squaric acid dibutyl ester (SADBE) and diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP)

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